In spring of 2020, COVID-19 unexpectedly stuck Syracuse, New York, forcing these five local businesses to close their doors. However, one thing kept them afloat: their community was there for them. During the three to four months the businesses’ doors were closed, all five said many customers would call, write or send emails just to see how the owners and their employees were doing, offering any help they could.
Matthew Pastore, head manager of Syracuse Antiques Exchange, was forced to lay off three quarters of the staff but rehired them when the store opened back up in June, 2020.
When Shannon Alling, owner of Hair Studio 5, reopened her business after the shutdown, health regulations limited only 50% of her staff to work at one time.
John Page had planned to open his business, Three Lives Bar, in spring of 2020, but was postponed until August 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
During the first three months of the pandemic, Michael Tompkins, owner of Collectibles Galore, lost 42% sales. To make up lost revenue, Tompkins began to sell more merchandise online.
Joe Todisco, owner of JJ's Miss Syracuse Diner, typically closes his business during winter months. But this year, the pandemic forced him to he stay closed until June 2020, losing him 30% of his income.