Aneshea Yee

Sergeant Aneshea Yee enlisted in the Marine Corps in 2010 where she went through 13 weeks of Marine Corps recruit training with Oscar Company, 4th Recruit Training Battalion, Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South In August of 2010. Private First Class Yee was sent to Ft. George G. Meade, Maryland to learn her occupation specialty 4641; Marine Corps Combat Photographer, she then was assigned to Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, South Carolina as her first duty station where she picked up the ranks, Lance Corporal and Corporal. Corporal Yee documented over three years of recruit training, totaling over 20,000 images taken which various photos have been used for publications such as Marine Corps Times, Marines Magazine, Stars and Stripes Magazine, as well as several online publications.
During Corporal Yee’s three-year stent at Parris Island, she was recognized for her outstanding photography skills, not only by her command, but also by the MCRD Parris Island General, as well as the Director of Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) where she earned a Certificate of Commendation, Meritorious Mast, and several letters of appreciation. Corporal Yee volunteered many hours with MCCS during her time at Parris Island.
In September 2013 Corporal Yee was sent to Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina where she would become the Production Chief, Photography Chief, and Training Non Commissioned Officer. In February 2014 Corporal Yee would Graduate as the Honor Graduate of Corporals Course and receive a Certificate of Commendation. She would later pin on the rank of Sergeant at MCAS Beaufort.
Over Sergeant Yee’s first enlistment she would return to the Defense Information School to complete, IPC Intermediate Photojournalism Course, and DMC Digital Multimedia Course at the top of her class. Sergeant Yee is currently attending the Military Photojournalism Program at S.I. Newhouse Syracuse University.
In Sergeant Yee’s Six-years in the Marine Corps she has managed to juggle the role of
Mother, student, volunteer, NCO, and mentor. Sergeant Yee is known for her dedication to trying new things with photography and challenging herself with every photo she takes. Sergeant Yee has not only managed to take photography head on but has also stepped out of her MOS and taken on the role as videographer.
Sergeant Yee is currently slated to become an instructor at the Defense Information School, in Fort Meade, Maryland.
Stories by Aneshea: