Phillip Elgie

Phillip Elgie fell in love with photography as a child and has worked towards telling visual stories ever since. At 16, he started working as a freelance sports photographer at his first newspaper in Bellingham, WA. and for the next 3-4 years he shot photos for multiple newspapers and magazines. During that time, he branched out and started covering events as well; weddings, corporate events, etc…
When he was 23, Phillip decided he wanted to help tell the stories of U.S. Service Members and enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps as a photographer/videographer in early 2008. After initial training he was deployed to Afghanistan and made multimedia stories in support of the Marines and other NATO forces deployed at that time.
In 2010, six months after returning from Afghanistan, he was deployed to a Joint Special Forces Task Force in the Philippines. There he made visual products used to influence change in tactical and strategic operations used in counter-insurgency across the globe.
Years after returning from the Philippines, and documenting training aboard Camp Pendleton, CA. Phillip moved to the east coast to teach multimedia storytelling to military students at the Defense Information School. Last year, he was accepted into the Motion Media at S.I. Newhouse at Syracuse University.
Phillip has three children who are just as creative and exponentially more talented then him.
Stories by Phillip: